Friday 30 August 2013

all about me

1.what do you hope to get out of this course ?
I hope to learn more about the technology we are using, i also really hope i get better at green  screening and using visual effects. most of all though i would love to learn more about lol cats.

2. how comftorable are you with the technology and new programs ?

i use a mac at home so I'm pretty familiar with the technology, all i do on my computer is play games so I'm not comfortable with the new programs.....#Yolo

3. something fun you did on summer vacation ?

well, i went around killing noobs in call of duty. i also went tubing which was extremely terrifying.

4. how many people in your family. compared to your other family members, are you the most/ least tech-savvy ?

there are 5 people in my family. when it comes to computers my dad is the most tech savvy, but when it comes to consoles and mobile devices I'm the most tech savvy.

5. what kind of techie-stuff do you currently do? are you a gamer? what kind of games do you play? what are you playing now?

currently i play call of duty and im a bit of a bad-a$$. i usually only play fps's but occasionally play GTA.

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